Op donderdag 19 januari wordt de 115e ETALAGE geopend in station Breda met werk van Noortje...

As part of the annual exchange between IDFX and Die Neue Galerie Landshut (D) the German artist Dagmar Pachtner will visit Breda this october. She will make an installation for ETALAGE Innercity called: "Nichts wird so sein wie zuvor" "Nothing will be as before" or " Nothing will ever be the same " is a phrase coming up again and again in relation to major events, mostly disasters like 11/09 (World Trade Center). Starting point of this project was the Fukushima catastrophe in Japan. The artistic goal is an exploration of Fukushima as an example of how to deal with disasters or changes. What concerns Pachtner is not so much a documentary collection or processing of horrible images, but the visualization of basic human behavior in the face of disaster and the impact on individuals. This summer Dagmar Pachtner exhibited "Nichts wird so sein wie zuvor" in Munich. The large-scale installation consisted of a video projection and a looking like handwritten sentence on the opposite wall and red light. For the ETALAGE parts of the work will be installed like in a depot in a way you can get the impression they are waiting for their next use.